Knowledge about the Reason of all Diseases.
There is
only one truth. Panacea eliminates the root cause of all diseases.
life teaches us, our heart believes in miracles”
Fyodor Tyutchev, Russian poet.
This is new
science, new knowledge and new practice. The future of civilization depends on
it. Ignorant people don’t care. It is not yet popular to be healthy and to live
hundreds of years. Everybody gets sick and dies young.
The good
news is that health can be bought! A disease is a perfect form of slavery and
freedom from slavery can be bought. Healers and doctors are not interested in
giving people health. Medical Academies of both Ukraine
and Russia
did not show any interest in this information, although after this manipulation
all people and especially the young ones become completely healthy – without
scoliosis, kiphosis and osteochondrosis.
To have
health is more important than a car, a fridge and other possessions. Only after
acquiring health, one can start to treasure it.
It is
important to understand that doctors and healers have nothing to do with
providing health to people. All they do is try and "repair” a sick body. For
example, such kind of prophylactics as inoculations in the future will be
unnecessary after Panacea treatment is
performed on new-born babies.
On 12.03.
1999 at 01.53 I received certain
information in my sleep. It was the information about the root cause of all
diseases and a clear command: "Sit down and
write!” This information was being given
and recorded until 12 o’clock in
the afternoon. It was announced that in
every human there is an inbuilt programme "Get ill and die”, which limits
people’s lives to its one tenth. If this programme is removed, it will be
possible to live without diseases for hundreds of years.It looks like a capsule
of twisted and curled into a little ball
nerve fibres of the sciatic nerve situated in the left hip of every person on
Earth. The role of this capsule is not only distorting the symmetry and harmony
of a human body, but also in controlling
the psychological condition of a person. All negative emotions, acts and crimes
are commited through this capsule on a
command from Above. It acts as an antenna. Therefore everyone should wish to
remove it as a root cause of all evil as
soon as possible. After removing of this capsule, the mental and physical
harmony of your body will be restored and the ageing process will slow down.
The pain in the back and the joints will disappear, such diseases as cancer,
heart attack and stroke will not concern you. By the way cancer appears during
division of starving cells. In the process of division of a weakened cell from
a mutation gene becomes prominent in the double DNA spiral and gives birth to a
new form of life.This is cancer. Breast cancer appears because of the scoliosis of the right breast and
kyphosis of the left one. The reason of diseases lies not in the ecology,
alcohol or food, but in this capsule alone.
There are
no hereditary diseases, but often the children have the same diseases as their
parents because of inheriting their shape of the body.
If the
cause is eliminated there will be no inherited diseases.
medicine can only remove a sick organ or give a death certificate to the
relatives. We have got used to it.
The essence
of Panaceya is straitening the nervous fibres of the Sciatic nerve after which
all the spine diseases (skoliosis, kyphosis, osteochondrosis disappear. The
same applies to the hump on the neck. The left leg becomes longer. When
osteochondrosis is gone, the spinal disks will become springs again, vertebras
will expand, nerves coming out of the spine will get free from pressure. The cells of all inner organs will get
adequate "feeding” and they will recover.
information must be carefully examined and developed by the leading state clinics and research
institutes.It is pointless to treat a patient without eliminating the reason of
his ailments. Because of one little area the whole body gets sick and dies.
Isn’t it food for thought?
don’t hurry to reject me! There was time when the Earth "did not rotate”.
Humankind is ashamed to remember the burnt Prophet Giordano Bruno. The same
ignoramuses who burnt him, now are acknowledging Eskulapia and Hygiene and
rejecting Panacea . (See the ancient
Greek legend) It is believed that Goddess Panacea could "Cure All” or was a
cure for all illnesses. This nonsense is written in all the world dictionaries.
However, in fact she did not cure anybody. She was a midwife and after she
removed the source of all illnesses in newborn babies, after which people lived
until 900 years old, as the Bible says. (This information is protected by
copyright PA 4978 from 20.11.2001 of Ukraine in the name of Rukas G.)
Because of
this capsule people have "pulling” pains in the left leg , because the nervous
cells are starving, and spasms at night. The doctors often diagnose
"inflammation of the sciatic nerve” which is never takes place in case of
pulling pains. It is the reaction of the nervous cells of the sciatic nerve to
not sufficient supply of spinal fluid because of the edema where the capsule
bends. After smoothing of the nervous
fibres in the capsule, the pulling pain disappears. Because of this capsule veryone has a
shortened left leg, is humped with scoliosis and osteochondrosis. This is a
straight road to death. On average in one day a person loses 15 days of his
life and in one year he or she loses 15 years. Life expectancy for men in the Ukraine is 57 years and in Russia – only
52 years, while we can live much over 100 years without getting old and sick.
Because of
this capsule, children get dystrophy of the left ventricle and the right ovary
with the girls and the right part of the prostate with girls due to scoliosis
and the distortion of the pelvic bones. After Panacea Treatment these organs will be completely healthy.
The organs
of every healthy newborn baby initially have seven levels of durability. With
time they wear off. When the first five levels disappear, nobody notices it.
But already a person is sick. When the sixth level goes, we feel pain. The seventh level screams for help:”Go see a
doctor, I am not coping!”(The 7 levels go faster if a person does heavy sports)
So when we
are in pain, we go to the doctor, who does not know the cause of this pain and
therefore cannot remove it. A doctor has "to cure” you. He finds the sick organ
which is crying for help and gives you a painkiller and a doping medicine to
make the last seventh level work for the missing six ones. A doctor does not
restore the six missing levels of durability. Because of this, the organ which
is now working in a forced regime will eventually wear out and will have to be
removed. The main objective of the doctor is to offer a patient the best doping
medicine and not to miss the moment when the sick organ has to be removed,
otherwise he will have to give a death certificate to the relatives of the
you will agree with me that it is impossible to treat a patient without
removing the cause of his illness. Removal of organs is the confession by
mainstream medicine of its helplessness and inability to secure health. As for
transplantation, a transplanted organ will suffer from the same lack of
nutrition which has killed the original organ due to osteochondrosis and will
eventually die as well. This is what
happened with singer Raisa Kiritchenko in Poltava
who had had a kidney transplant.
The theory
and practice of medicine must be changed urgently. Changes must be introduced
into the anatomy atlas to show the place of"Rukas Capsule” in the Sciatic
nerve. Medical practices should be changed and the definition of "Panacea
practices” should be introduced as removing the cause of all illnesses of a
human being.
The Creator
has an antidote to all poisons. Just try to understand it. And if you come to
me, I’ll make it come true.
There is no
greater happiness on Earth than to be healthy. For people under 32 years old
there is full guarantee of self-restoration
of body organs and parts. For people over 32 – there is a chance to restore health, but a very high one.Without
my manipulation no one has a chance to get healthy. Trust me that I know and
can do a little more than others. This work and many years of experience bring positive result.
author of these words can read the information field of the
Earth, does not react to 220 voltage, is able to see the jammed nerve fibres,
the state of inner organs, can remove negative programmes from the astral body,
the master of Panacea touch. Gregory Rucas from Poltava, +380501440365, +380532651006. In Moscow
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